1. Panduka

One of the Chabbaggiyá. He and Lohitaka were leaders of a special group called the Pandukalohitaká, who are mentioned as having been guilty of various offences against Vinaya rules (Vin.ii.1, 5, 6).

Panduka and Lohitaka lived at Jetavana and encouraged heretics by upholding their views. The Satapatta Játaka was preached in reference to these two (MA.ii.668; J.ii.387).

They were the least evil of the Chabbaggiyí. Sp.iii.614.

2. Panduka

A Damila usurper. He killed Mittasena and reigned for five years over Ceylon (433 8 A.C.), during which time he was unsuccessful in his attempts to kill Dhátusena, the rightful heir. Panduka's son was Parinda. Cv.xxxviii.11, 21, 29.

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