1. Parihána Sutta

Sáriputta tells the monks of the qualities which lead to their deterioration   not listening to the Dhamma, not having clear ideas about it, not practising it, and not obtaining fresh knowledge thereof. He who wishes to progress should train himself to know both his own mind and the minds of others; he should practise introspection. A.v.102 ff.

2. Parihána Sutta

On eight conditions which lead to the degeneration of a learner, and their opposites. A.iv.331f.

3. Parihána Sutta

On the six stations of mastery (cha abhibháyatanáni) which prevent a monk from falling away. Seeing an object with the eye, he does not allow evil and unprofitable states to arise in his mind, memories and hopes akin to fetters that bind. Likewise with the other senses. S.iv.76f.

4. Parihána Sutta

A conversation between Ananda and Bhadda at the Kukkutáráma in Pátaliputta, regarding decay and non decay. S.v.173.

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