An Ájívaka of Sávatthi. He was looked after by a woman of Sávatthi who, hearing one day her neighbours praise the Buddha, wished to invite him to her home. Páthika dissuaded her from so doing; but one day, unbeknown to him, she sent her son to invite the Buddha. The boy called at Páthika's hermitage on the way, and the ascetic tried to dissuade him from going. Failing to do so, he told him not to tell the Buddha where to find the house, hoping that thus they would be able to eat themselves all the food prepared for the Buddha. The boy did as he was told, and the next day he and Páthika hid in a room at the back of the house. The Buddha came, and, after the meal, thanked the woman. But when Páthika heard her applaud the Buddha's sermon, he could no longer forbear and rushed forth to abuse her. DhA.i.376ff.

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