1. Phussa

The eighteenth of the twenty four Buddhas. He was born in the Sirimáuyyána in Kási, his father being the khattiya Jayasena and his mother Sirimá. AA. (i. 144) says that his father was Mahinda and that he had three stepbrothers. One of them was Uruvela Kassapa (i. 165) in this birth.

He lived for six thousand years in three palaces: Garula, Hamsa and Suvannabhara. His wife was Kiságotamí and his son Ananda (or Anúpama). His body was fifty eight cubits high. He left the world riding an elephant, and practised austerities for six months. A setthi's daughter, Sirivaddhá, gave him milk rice, while an ascetic, named Sirivaddha, gave him grass for his seat, under an ámanda (or ámalaka )tree. His chief disciples were Sukhita (or Surakkhita) and Dhammasena among men and Cálá (or Sálá) and Upacálá (Upasálá) among women. His personal attendant was Sambhiya. Dhanañjaya and Visákha among men, and Padumá and Nágá among women, were his chief lay patrons. The Bodhisatta was a khattiya named Vijitáví of Arimanda. The Buddha lived for ninety thousand years and died at the Sonáráma (Setáráma) in Kusinárá. His relies were scattered (Bu.xix.1ff.; BuA.192f.; PvA.19f). Ambapálí was his sister. Ap.ii. 613.

2. Phussa Thera

He was the son of a ruler of a province and was trained in all accomplishments. Having heard a great Thera preach, he left the world and joined the Order. He practised jhána and became an arahant. One day an ascetic named Pandarassagotta heard him preach and questioned him on the future progress of Bhikkhus. Phussa's reply is contained in the Theragáthá, vs. 949 80; ThagA.ii.82f.

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