1. Pingiyání

A brahmin of Vesáli. The Anguttara Nikáya records a conversation between him and Káranapáli. The latter meets Pingiyání and, on learning that he was returning from a visit to the Buddha, asks him about the Buddha's wisdom. Pingiyáni utters the Buddha's praises with a wealth of simile and metaphor. Káranapáli is impressed, and declares himself the Buddha's follower (A.iii.236ff). On another occasion, Pingiyáni is present when five hundred Licchavis come to pay honour to the Buddha at the Kútágárasálá. The sight of the Buddha, sitting in their midst, outshining them all, inspires Pingiyáni and he bursts into song. The Licchavis give him five hundred upper garments, all of which he presents to the Buddha. Ibid., 239f.

Buddhaghosa says (AA.ii.636) that Pingiyání was an anágámí. He went daily to the Buddha, with flowers and perfumes. See also Pingiya (3).

2. Pingiyání

Wife of Brahmadatta. One day when opening her window she saw a royal groom, with whom she fell in love, and when the king fell asleep, she climbed down through the window, lay with the groom, and climbed back again, after which she perfumed herself and lay down beside the king. The king eventually discovered her misdemeanour and proclaimed it to his ministers, depriving her of her royal rank.

The story is one of those related by Kunála, who is identified with Brahmadatta (J.v.444). It is perhaps this story which is referred to as the Culla Kunála Játaka.

Pingiyání Sutta

The story of the brahmin Pingiyání (q.v.) uttering the Buddha's praises before the Licchavis. When Pingiyání ended his song of praise, the Buddha told the Licchavis of the five kinds of rare treasures: the Tathágata, one who can teach the Dhammavinaya, one who recognises the Dhamma, one who follows the Dhamma, and one who is grateful. A.iii.239 ff.

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