1. Piyadassí

The thirteenth of the twenty four Buddhas. He was born in Sudhañña (Sudassana) and his mother was Sucandá (Candá). He was called Piyadassí because he showed many pleasing miracles. For nine thousand years he lived as a layman in three palaces: Sunimala Vimala and Giriguhá (Giribrahá). His wife was Vimalá and his son Kañcanavela (Kañcana). He left home in a chariot and practised austerities for six months. He was given milk rice by Vasabha's daughter and grass for his seat by the Ajívaka Sujáta. His, bodhi was a Kakudha tree. Among his converts were the deva king Sudassana and the elephant Donamukha. A monk named Sona conspired with Prince Mahápaduma to kill the Buddha, Donamukha being the elephant they used in their unsuccessful plot. cp. Nálágiri.

Piyadassí's chief disciples were Pálita and Sabbadassí among monks and Sujátá and Dhammadinná among nuns, his constant attendant being Sobhita. Sannaka and Dhammika were his chief lay patrons among men, and Visákhi and Dhammadinná among women. He lived for ninety thousand years and died at Assattháráma, his thúpa being three leagues in height.

The Bodhisatta of that time was a brahmin named Kassapa, and he built a monastery for the Buddha at a cost of one hundred thousand crores. Bu.xiv.1ff.; BuA.172ff.; J.i.38f., etc.

2. Piyadassí

A Pacceka Buddha. M.iii.69; Ap.i.106.

3. Piyadassí Thera

An arahant. He was present with sixty thousand others, from Jetáráma, at the foundation ceremony of the Mahá Thúpa (Dpv.xix.15; Mhv.xxix.32). He stood on the north east side at the ceremony, and at the close of it he preached to Dutthagámaní. Ibid., 65; MT. 531.

4. Piyadassí

A setthi of Sudassananigama, whose daughter gave milk rice to Sikhí Buddha. BaA. 201.

5. Piyadassí

A Thera of Ceylon, incumbent of the Devarája vihára. He was a pupil of the grammarian Moggallána and wrote the Páli grammar, Padasádhana. P.L.C. 205.

6. Piyadassí

A name for Dhammásoka.

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