1. Pubbáráma

A park outside the eastern gate of Sávatthi. It was the custom of the Buddha to spend his siesta there after eating at the house of Anáthapindika (DhA.i.413; see also MA.i.369).

In the Pubbáráma, Visákhá erected the Migáramátupásáda, the site costing her nine crores and the building another nine (DhA.i.413). The Pubbáráma in Sávatthi corresponded to the Uttammevi vihára in Anurádhapura (UdA.158; MA.i.471).

It was while staying at the Pubbáráma that the Buddha sent the novice Sumana to fetch water from Anotatta (DhA.iv.120).

The Vighása Játaka (J.iii.310) was also preached there.

2. Pubbáráma

A monastery in Ceylon, built by Sena I. and his consort Sanghá (Cv.l.69; see also Cv.Trs.i.144, n. 4). Parakkamabáhu I. is said to have restored it. SadS. 58.

1. Pubbáráma Sutta

Preached at the Pubbáráma. The winning of insight means the destruction of the ásavas. S.v.222.

2. Pubbáráma Sutta

The cultivation of Ariyan insight (pańńá) and Ariyan release (vimutti) leads to the destruction of the ásavas. S.v.223.

3. Pubbáráma Sutta

The cultivation of the four indriyas (viriya, sati, samádhi and pańńá) leads to the destruction of the ásavas. S.v.224.

4. Pubbáráma Sutta

The same as 4 with saddhá added to the indriyas. S.v.224.

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