1. Punnaka. One Of the stallions of Ekarája. J.vi.135.

2. Punnaka. One of the sixteen disciples of Bávarí, who visited the Buddha (SN. vs. 1006). His conversation with the Buddha is given in the Punnakamánavapucchá (Ibid., 1043 48). At the end of the interview Punnaka and his one thousand followers became arahants. SNA.ii.590.

3. Punnaka. A Yakkha chief, nephew of Vessavana (J.vi.255). The story of how he won the Nága maiden Irandatí is related in the Vidhurapandita Játaka. In his previous birth he had been a young man named Kaccáyana in the Anga country. J.vi.273f.; he is also called Kátiyána (Kaccána). He is also referred to as Punnakaraja (J.iv.182). He is evidently identical with the Yakkha chieftain mentioned in the Átánitiya Sutta (D.iii.204) among those to be invoked by followers of the Buddha in times of tribulation. The gem used by Punnaka as a stake in his gambling with Koravya was such that all things in the world could be seen in it (MT. 552). The shout of victory uttered by Punnaka when he defeated Koravya was one of the four shouts heard throughout Jambudípa. SNA.i.223.

4. Punnaka. A king of twenty five kappas ago, a former birth of Asanabodhiya Thera. Ap.i.111.

5. Punnaka. Punnaka was evidently not a name of high station. E.g., J.vi.273.

6. Punnaka. See also s.v. Punna.

Punnaka Játaka. Another name for the Vidhurapandita Játaka.

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