1. Punnamása Thera

He was born in Sávatthi as the son of a brahmin, named Samiddhi; he was called Punnamása because, on the day of his birth, all the empty vessels in the house were filled with golden pennies. He left the world after a son had been born to him, and, having entered the Order under the Buddha, took the formula of the five impurities (tacapańcaka) as topic of meditation and became an arahant. His former wife adorned herself and came with her child, seeking to seduce him, but without success.

In the time of Vipassí Buddha he was a partridge (cakkaváka), and, pleased with the appearance of the Buddha, offered him a sála flower, holding it in his beak. Seventeen kappas ago he became king eight times under the name of Sucárudassana (Thag. vs. 10; ThagA.i.53f).

He is evidently identical with Paccágamaníya of the Apadána. Ap.i.113.

2. Punnamása Thera

He was born at Sávatthi in a landowner's family. He was named Punnamása because, on the day of his birth, all the empty vessels in the house became filled with gold and silver coins. He left the world after the birth of a son, and, dwelling near the village, put forth effort, till he became an arahant. Then going to Sávatthi, he paid homage to the Buddha and dwelt in a charnel field. Meanwhile his son died, and his wife, wishing to prevent the king from taking the property, which was now left without an heir, went, with a large company, to her husband in order to persuade him to return to the lay life.

In the time of Tissa Buddha he was wandering about the forest, bow in hand, when he saw the Buddha's robe hanging on a branch outside his cell. He immediately threw away his bow and, recalling the Buddha's virtues, paid homage to the robe. Thag.vs.171, 172; ThagA.i.297f.

He is probably identical with Pamsukúlasańńika of the Apadána. Ap.ii.418f.

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