Once, on the slopes of the Himálaya, lived a jackal called Pútimamsa with his mate Vení. Near by dwelt a flock of wild goats. Pútimamsa formed a device for killing the goats one by one and eating their flesh, till only a she goat, called Melamátá, was left. Wishing to devour her as well, Pútimamsa suggested to Vení that he should pretend to be dead and that Vení should then entice Melamátá into the cave by asking her to assist in the funeral rites. But the goat was wise and observant and discovered the ruse. Vení went to her later and saying that Pútimamsa had recovered consciousness at the very sight of her, invited her to join them in a feast to celebrate his recovery. Melamátá, agreed, saying that she would bring with her a large escort of her friends, fierce dogs, including Maliya, Pingiya, Caturakkha and Jambuka, in order that the celebration might be a great one. At this suggestion Pútimamsa and Vení fled from their cave, taking rescue elsewhere.

The story was told to the monks in order to impress on them the necessity for keeping guard over their senses. J.iii.532ff.

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