1. Rája Vagga. The ninth section of the Majjhima Nikáya (Suttas 81 90). M.ii.44ff.

2. Rája Vagga. The fourteenth chapter of the Pańcaka Nipáta of the Anguttara Nikáya. A.iii.147 64.

1. Rája Sutta. Five good qualities in a king   pure descent, great wealth, strong army, wise minister, glory   which make him secure in his conquest; five similar qualities in a monk   virtuous conduct, wide and deep learning, active energy, insight, release   which bring him emancipation. A.iii.149ff.

2. Rája Sutta. On the eighth day of the lunar fortnight, the ministers of the Cátummahárájáno visit the earth, on the fourteenth day their sons, on the fifteenth day the kings themselves. They report what they find at the assembly of the gods in Sudhammá hall and rejoice if men have done good, sorrowing if they have done evil. A.i.142f.

3. Rája Sutta. Men should keep their fast, not in order to be Sakka who is not rid of passion, malice or delusion, but to be arahants. A.i.143f.

4. Rája Sutta. Pasenadi asks the Buddha if there is any born thing which is free from decay and death. No, answers the Buddha, not even the arahants. S.i.71.

5. Rája Sutta. Just as all petty princes follow in the train of a universal monarch, so do all profitable states follow earnestness. S.v.44.

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