1. Rádha

A parrot, brother of Potthapáda, the Bodhisatta. See the Rádha Játaka (1). He is identified with Ananda. J.i.496.

2. Rádha

The Bodhisatta born as a parrot. See the Rádha Játaka (2).

3. Rádha

The Bodhisatta born as a parrot. See the Kálabáhu Játaka.

4. Rádha Thera

He was a brahmin of Rájagaha who, being neglected by his children in his old age, sought ordination. The monks refused his request on the ground of his age, so he sought the Buddha who, seeing his upanissaya, asked Sáriputta to admit him.* Soon after he won arahantship.

He stayed near the Buddha, and, by reason of his skill, the Buddha declared him foremost among those who could inspire speech in others (? patibhánakeyyánam) (A.i.25; ThagA.i.253f).

He thereby earned the name of Patibhániya Thera (SA.ii.246).

The Theragáthá (vss.133 4) contains two verses spoken by him in praise of concentration of the mind.

The Rádha Samyutta (S.iii.188 201; see also Rádha Sutta) contains a large number of suttas preached by the Buddha in answer to Rádha's questions on various topics.

It is said that when the Buddha saw Rádha he felt the inclination to talk on matters dealing with subtle topics, illustrating them with various similes. SA.ii.246; this was because of Radha's wealth of views (ditthisamudácára) and unwavering faith (okappaniya-saddhá); AA.i.179; also ThagA.i.254.

* It is probably this incident which is referred to at ThagA.ii.114, where Sáriputta is said to have ordained a poor brahmin named Rádha, but no mention is made of any order from the Buddha. If the reference is to this same thera, Rádha was, for some time, the attendant (pacchásamana) of Sáriputta, and there is a verse in Thag. (993) spoken to him by Sáriputta, who was pleased with Rádha's gentle manner. DhA.ii.104ff. gives more details of the ordination of Rádha. There we are told that he went to the monastery where he performed various duties. But the monks would not admit him into the Order, and, owing to his disappointment, he grew thin. One day the Buddha, seeing him with his divine eye, went to him, and hearing of his wish to join the Order, summoned the monks and asked if any of them remembered any favour done by Rádha. Sáriputta mentioned that he had once received a ladleful of Rádha’s own food while begging in Rájagaha. The Buddha then suggested that Sáriputta should listen to Rádha’s request for ordination. After ordination, Rádha grew weary of the food of the refectory, but Sáriputta constantly admonished him and found him most humble; later, he spoke highly of Rádha's obedience, and the Buddha praised him. It was on Rádha's account that the Alínacitta Játaka was preached. AA.i.179f. agrees, more or less, with the account given above; so does Ap.ii.485f.

In the time of Padumuttara Buddha, Rádha was a householder of Hamsavatí and held a great almsgiving in honour of the Buddha, wishing to gain pre eminence in the power of inspiring others to speak. He gave ripe mangoes to Vipassí Buddha (ThagA.i.253; AA.i.180; Ap.ii.484) and, as a result, was born in heaven.

Surádha Thera was his younger brother. Rádha was, for some time, the Buddha's attendant. AA.i.163.

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