A monastery in Sávatthi, near Jetavana, built by Pasenadi (J.ii.15). It was to the south east of the city, corresponding to Thúpáráma in Anurádhapura. (MA.ii.1021). It was there that the Nandakováda Sutta was preached (M.iii.271). This was probably the monastery built for nuns by Pasenadi, at the Buddha's suggestion, after the assault on Uppalavanná in Andhavana, referred to in the Dhammapada Commentary (DhA.ii.52).

The Samyutta Commentary, however, gives a different account (SA.iii.218f.; the introductory story of the Bharu Játaka; J.ii.170, gives the same account but omits the statement that the king built a vihára). It states that the heretics, jealous of the Buddha and his popularity, desired to build a monastery for themselves in close proximity to Jetavana, and, in order that he might raise no objections, they presented Pasenadi with one hundred thousand.

When the Buddha discovered their intentions, owing to the great uproar they made while preparing the preliminaries of the building, he sent Ananda to the king, asking to have it stopped. But Pasenadi refused to see him or Sáriputta or Moggallána. (It was as a punishment for this discourtesy that he lost the throne before his death.) Thereupon the Buddha went himself. Pasenadi received him and entertained him to a meal, at the end of which the Buddha preached to him the Bharu Játaka (q.v.) on the evils of bribery and of creating an opportunity for virtuous people to quarrel among themselves. Pasenadi was filled with remorse; he had the heretics expelled, and, realizing that he had never built a monastery, proceeded to construct the Rájakárama.

The Samyutta Nikáya (S.v.360ff ) contains several sermons preached by the Buddha at the Rájakáráma.

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