A Koliyan village on the banks of the Ganges.

Its inhabitants claimed and obtained a share of the Buddha's relics, over which they erected a thúpa (D.ii.167; Bu.xxviii.3; Dvy.380).

This thúpa was later destroyed by floods, and the urn, with the relics, was washed into the sea. There the Nágas, led by their king, Mahákála, received it and took it to their abode in Mañjerika where a thúpa was built over them, with a temple attached, and great honour was paid to them. When Dutthagámani built the Mahá Thúpa and asked for relics to be enshrined therein, Mahinda sent Sonuttara to the Nága world to obtain these relies, the Buddha having ordained that they should ultimately be enshrined in the Mahá Thúpa. But Mahákála was not willing to part with them, and Sonuttara had to use his iddhi power to obtain them. A few of the relics were later returned to the Nágas for their worship. For details see Mhv.xxxi.18ff.

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