Rámaneyyaka Thera

An arahant. He belonged to a wealthy family of Sávatthi, and left the world impressed by the presentation of Jetavana. Dwelling in the forest, he practiced meditation, and, because of his attainments and charm, he was called Rámaneyyaka. Once Mára tried to frighten him, but without success. The verse he uttered on that occasion is included in the Theragáthá (Thag. vs. 49).

In the time of Sikhí Buddha, he had offered him flowers. Twenty nine kappas ago he was king under the name of Sumedhayasa (v.l. Sumeghaghana) (ThagA.i.120f). He is probably identical with Minelapupphiya of the Apadána. Ap.i.203f.

Rámaneyyaka Sutta

Sakka visits the Buddha at Jetavana and asks him what it is which, by situation, is enjoyable. The Buddha replies that whatever place is occupied by the arahants that is the most enjoyable. S.i.232; cp. DhA.ii.195; the verse here ascribed to the Buddha is, in the Thag. (vs. 991) attributed to Sáriputta. Both there and in DhA. (see above) the verse is uttered in reference to Sáriputta's brother, Revata.

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