1. Ramma. One of the chief lay patrons of Sobhita Buddha. Bu.vii.23; but see Sobhita.

2. Ramma. Son of Paduma Buddha in his last lay life. He joined the Order and later became an arahant. Eighty crores of beings realized the Truth when the Buddha preached to him. Bu.ix.5,18; BuA.147.

3. Ramma. One of the chief lay patrons of Vessabhú Buddha. Bu.xxii.25.

4. Ramma, Rammaka. The name of Benares, at the time recorded in the Yuvańjaya Játaka. J.iv.119ff.

5. Ramma, Rammavatí. The city of birth of Dípankara Buddha. It was while Dípankara was on a visit to this city that Sumedha met him and was declared by him to be a Bodhisatta. At that time the Buddha was living in a monastery called Sudassana mahávihára. J.i.11, 13, 29; iv.119; DhA.i.69; Bu.ii.207; BuA. 65 calls it Rammavatí.

6. Ramma. A nine storied palace occupied by Gotama Buddha in his last lay life. BuA.230; Bu. (xxvi.14) calls it Ráma.

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