1. Revatí. Wife of Nandiya (q.v.). Her story is given in DhA.iii.290ff. and also at VvA.220ff, also referred to in PvA.257. According to the VvA. version, Nandiya was born after death in Távatimsa, but Revatí, on the death of her husband, stopped the gift of alms which he had instituted, abused the monks, and was cast alive into hell.

2. Revatí. An upásiká, probably of Nálaka. She was a patron of Sáriputta, and, on his death, she brought three vases filled with golden flowers to be offered at the pyre. Sakka came, with his great retinue, to do honour to the Elder, and in the crush caused by his arrival Revatí was trampled to death. She was immediately reborn with a body three gávutas in height in Távatimsa, and, on discovering the cause of her happiness, she appeared with her followers before the people and declared her homage to Sáriputta. SA.iii.177f.

3. Revatí. Another name, according to the Dípavamsa (xxi.40f.; cp. Mhv.xxxv.14f), for Sívalí, daughter of King Ámandagámani Abhaya. She was the sister of Cúlábhaya and succeeded him for a period of four months, when she was dethroned by Ilanága.

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