1. Saddhá. An upásiká of Sávatthi. Thinking that to allow a monk to have intercourse with her would be the highest gift, she accosted a monk and offered herself. The offer was, however, refused. Vin.iii.39.

2. Saddhá. One of Sakka's daughters. See the Sudhábhojana Játaka.

1. Saddhá Sutta. A group of Satullapakáyika Devas visit the Buddha and one of them speaks in praise of saddhá. S.i.25.

2. Saddhá Sutta. On the five advantages resulting from faith. A.iii.42.

3. Saddhá Sutta. The perfect monk is he who has faith, virtue learning, is master of the dhamma, enters into the jhánas, etc. A.iv.314.

4. Saddhá Sutta. Eight qualities which make a monk perfect. A.iv.315.

5. Saddhá Sutta. Ten qualities which give perfection to a monk. A.v.10f.

6. Saddhá (or Apana) Sutta. The Buddha, staying at Apana, asks Sáriputta if a monk who is utterly devoted to the Tathágata, and has perfect faith in him, can have any doubt or wavering as to the Tathágata or his teaching Sáriputta answers in the negative and proceeds to explain. S.v.225f.

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