He was the son of a Paribbájaka and entered the Order after seeing the Buddha perform the Twin Miracle; he later attained arahantship through jhána. There was a Paribbájaka, named Kátiyána, whom he had known as a layman, and Kátiyána, having become destitute after the Buddha's appearance in the world, asked Sámańńakáni what he could do to get happiness in this world and the next. His friend answered that he should follow the Noble Eightfold Path (Thag.vs.35; ThagA.i.98f). We are told (ThagA.i.450) that Kátiyána later joined the Order and became an arahant.

Sámańńakáni is evidently identical with Mańcadáyaka (Pecchadáyaka) of the Apadána (Ap.i.455). Ninety one kappas ago he gave a bed to Vipassí Buddha. Perhaps he is also identical with Sámandakáni (q.v.).

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