1. Sambhava. One of the two chief disciples of Sikhí Buddha. D.ii.4; J.i.41; Bu.xxi.20; S.i.155.

2. Sambhava. The constant attendant of Revata Buddha. J.i.35; Bu.vi.21.

3. Sambhava. The constant attendant of Tissa Buddha. J.i.40, but see Samanga.

4. Sambhava. A Pacceka Buddha of thirty one kappas ago. Sappaka Thera, in a previous birth, was a Nága and held a lotus over him. ThagA.i.399.

5. Sambhava. The Bodhisatta, born as the son of Vidhura and brother of Sańjaya and Bhadrakára. See the Sambhava Játaka.

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