1. Sanghá Therí. She belonged to Prince Siddhattha's court, and having joined the Order with Pajápatí Gotamí, became an arahant. Thig. vs. 18; ThigA.24.

2. Sanghá. Daughter of Mahánáma and step sister of Sotthisena. She killed Sotthisena and gave the kingdom to her husband, who was his umbrella bearer, but he died within a year. Cv.xxxviii.1f.

3. Sanghá. Wife of King Mánavamma. She was the daughter of the Malayarája Sanghasena. Cv.xlvii.3, 8.

4. Sanghá. Daughter of Aggabodhi VI. and wife of Aggabodhi VII. Her husband once struck her in anger, and, when she complained to her father, he sent her to a nunnery. There her maternal cousin, also called Aggabodhi, became friendly with her and ran away with her to Rohana. But her husband made war on him and seized both him and Sanghá. After that husband and wife lived in peace. Cv.x1viii.54ff.

5. Sanghá. Mahesí of Sena I. She and her husband built the Pubbáráma and the Sanghasenáráma in the Mahávihára. Sanghá also built the Uttara vihára and the Mahindasena parivena. Cv.l.7, 69, 79.

6. Sanghá. Daughter of Kittaggabodhi and Devá and wife of Sena II. She had a son (Kassapa V.). She built the Sanghasenapabbatáráma and placed a sapphire diadem on the stone image of the Buddha. Cv.i.58; li. 6, 9, 86; Sanghá's son (Kassapa V.) is called dvayábhiseka sańjáta (born of the twice anointed queen). Tradition has it that after the death of Sena II. she became the wife of his successor, who made her his mahesí.

7. Sanghá. Wife of Kassapa V. She was a (daughter of Mahinda, yuvarája of Sena II. and of Tissá. Cv.li. 15, 18.

8. Sanghá. An upásiká, mentioned among those who will wait on Metteyya Buddha. She will be his chief patron among lay women. Anágat. vs. 61, 99.

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