1. Sanghatissa. A Lambakanna who became king of Ceylon (303 7 A.C.) after slaying Vijayakumára. He set up a parasol on the Mahá Thúpa and did other works of merit. Having heard from the Thera Mahádeva of Dámahálaka of the merits of giving rice gruel, he arranged for a regular distribution of it. He used to visit Pácínadípaka in order to eat jambu fruits there, and the people, annoyed by his visits, poisoned him. He was succeeded by Sanghabodhi. Mhv.xxxvi.58ff.; Dpv.xxii.48f.

2. Sanghatissa. Called Asiggáha. He succeeded Aggabodhi II. as king of Ceylon (611 13 A.C.). Moggallána (afterwards Moggallána III.) rose against him, and Anurádhapura was deserted by the people. Sanghatissa was once forced to eat food prepared for the monks at the Mahápáli. His Senápati proved treacherous, the king was defeated in battle and was forced to flee to Merumajjara. From there he went to Veluvana, where, at the suggestion of the monks, he put on yellow robes and went towards Rohana with his son and minister. He was, however, recognized and taken captive at Manihíra, brought to Síhagiri, and beheaded at the command of Moggallána. His son asked to be beheaded before him, and his request was granted; his minister was also beheaded, because he refused to leave his king. Sanghatissa had another son, Jetthatissa. Cv.xliv.1ff.; see Cv.Trs.i.74, n.1.

3. Sanghatissa. A viceroy (uparája) of Aggabodhi IV. He built the Uparájaka parivena. Cv.xlvi.24.

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