The thirty third sutta of the Dígha Nikáya (D.iii.207ff), preached at Ubbhataka, the new Mote Hall of the Mallas of Pává. They had invited the Buddha to consecrate it by preaching there, and this he did until late into the night. Then, seeing that his audience wished for more, he asked Sáriputta to continue the preaching while he himself rested. Sáriputta therefore preached the Sangíti Sutta, at the end of which the Buddha expressed his great appreciation of Sáriputta's exposition.

This sutta, like the Dasuttara, is arranged in a new plan -  which is regularly followed in the Anguttara Nikáya   of grouping the points or chief items brought forward, numerically, in arithmetical progression - in this case 1 to 10. This scheme is a kind of thematic index to the doctrines scattered through the Four Nikáyas.

The Sarvástivádins held this Sutta in high esteem, and included it (under the name of Sangítipariyáya) among the seven books constituting their Abhidhamma Pitaka. The Tibetan recensions attribute the Sutta to Mahá Kotthita. See Takákusu's article on the Sarvástivádins (J.P.T.S. 1904 5).

The sutta treats of the dasadhammá (or ten conditions) in much the same way as the Puggala-Pańńatti deals with the dasapuggalá (ten individuals).

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