A Paribbájaka who joined the Order and soon after left it. He then went about proclaiming in Rájagaha that he knew the Dhamma and Vinaya of the Sákyaputta monks, and that was why he had left their Order. The Buddha, being told of this, visited the Paribbájakáráma, on the banks of the Sappiniká, and challenged Sarabha to repeat his statement. Three times the challenge was uttered, but Sarabha sat silent. The Buddha then declared to the Paribbájakas that no one could say that his claim to Enlightenment was unjustified, or that his dhamma, if practised, did not lead to the destruction of Ill. After the Buddha's departure, the Paribbájakas taunted and abused Sarabha (A.i.185ff).

It is said (AA.i.412 f ) that Sarabha joined the Order at the request of the Paribbájakas. They had failed to find any fault with the Buddha's life, and thought that his power was due to an "ávattanímáyá," which he and his disciples practised once a fortnight behind closed doors. Sarabha agreed to find it out and learn it. He therefore went to Gijjhakúta, where he showed great humility to all the resident monks. An Elder, taking pity on him, ordained him. In due course he learned the pátimokkha, which, he realized, was what the Paribbájakas took to be the Buddha's "máyá." Having learned it, he went back to the Paribbájakas, taught it to them, and with them went about in the city boasting that he knew the Buddha's teaching and had found it worthless.

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