1. Sarana.  One Of the two chief disciples (J.i..34; Bu.v.26) and also step brother (BuA.120) of Sumana Buddha.

2. Sarana. One of the chief lay supporters of Sumana Buddha. Bu.v.28.

3. Sarana. One of the two chief disciples of Sumedha Buddha (Bu.xii.23: J.i.38). He was the Buddha's younger brother. BuA.164.

4. Sarana. The city of birth of Dhammadassí Buddha (J.i.39; Bu.xvi.13). It was there that be met his two chief disciples, Paduma and Phussadeva. BuA.183.

5. Sarana. Father of Dhammadassí Buddha. Bu.xvi.14.

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