1. Sáriputta Sutta. The sixteenth sutta of the Atthakavagga of the Sutta Nipáta. Sáriputta asks the Buddha how a monk should conduct himself in order to achieve his goal. The Buddha explains that a monk must avoid the five dangers, endure heat and cold and other discomforts, and must not be guilty of theft, anger, lying or arrogance. He should be guided by wisdom and moderation (SN. 955 75). The Commentary explains (SNA.ii.569f ) that the sutta is also called the Therapańha Sutta, and that it was preached on the occasion of the Buddha's descent from Távatimsa to Sankassa. The Buddha desired that Sáriputta's wisdom should be adequately recognized, for Moggallána’s iddhi, Anuruddha’s clairvoyance and Punna's eloquence were already famous, but Sáriputta's skill remained unknown. The Buddha therefore related the Parosahassa Játaka in order to show Sáriputta's wisdom in a past life. At the end of the story, Sáriputta questioned the Buddha in eight stanzas, and the rest of the sutta was spoken by the Buddha in answer to these questions.

2. Sáriputta Sutta. The Buddha instructs Sáriputta on how to train oneself in order to get rid of notions of "I" and "mine." The sutta contains a quotation from the Udayapańha. A.i.133.

3. Sáriputta Sutta. Sáriputta relates to Ananda how once, when he was in Andhavana, he attained to perfect concentration. A.v.8.

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