The village in which Senání lived. It was the residence also of his daughter Sujátá, who gave milk-rice to the Buddha. It was near Uruvelá and on the banks of the Nerañjará (J.i.68).

The name seems originally to have been Senánigama (E.g., S.i.106; Vin.i.21; M.i.166, 240).

Buddhaghosa himself does not seem to have been sure of the spelling. He says (SA.i.135) it was so called because it was occupied by soldiers at the beginning of the kappa (pathamakappikánam senáya nivitthokáse patitthitagámo) or because it was the village of Sujátá's father Senání (Sujátáya vá pitu Senání náma nigamo).

The Lalitavistara (p.311, [248]) calls it Senápatigráma.

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