1. Seniya. A naked ascetic who practised the "Canine vow," behaving like a dog. After his visit to the Buddha, as recorded in the Kukkuravatika Sutta (q.v.), he joined the Order and, in due course, became an arahant. M.i.387ff.

2. Seniya. The personal name, according to Buddhaghosa, of King Bimbisára (MA.i.292; but see SNA.ii.448, mahatiyá senáya samannágatattá), who is almost always referred to as Seniya Bimbisára. Dhammapála says (UdA.104), however, that Bimbisára was called Seniya either because he had a large army, or because he belonged to the Seniya-gotta (mahatiyá senáya samannágátatta vá Seniyagottatá vá).

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