1. Siddhattha.-The sixteenth of the twenty four Buddhas. He was born in the Viriya pleasance in the city of Vebhára, his father being the khattiya Udena and his mother Suphassá. At the time of his birth all enterprises succeeded, hence his name. He lived as a householder for ten thousand years in three palaces - Koká, Suppala and Kokanuda, (Paduma) - his wife being Sumaná (Somanassá) and his son Anupama. He left home in a golden palanquin, practised austerities for ten months, had milk rice given to him by a brahmin maiden, Sunettá of Asadisa, and grass for his seat by a Yavapála, Varuna. His bodhi was a kanikára, and his first sermon was preached at Gayá. The Bodhisatta was an ascetic named Mangala, of Surasena. Samphala and Sumitta were his chief disciples among monks, and Sívalá and Sarámá among nuns, while Revata was his attendant. Chief among his laypatrons were Suppiya and Samudda and Rammá and Surammá. His body was sixty cubits high. He lived for one hundred thousand years, and died in the Anomáráma in the city of Anoma. His thúpa was four leagues in height. Bu.xvii.; BuA.185ff.; J.i.49.

2. Siddhattha.-The personal name of Gotama Buddha. J.i.56, 58, etc.; iv. 50, 328; vi. 479; DhA.iii.195; Dpv.iii.197; xix.18; Mhv.ii. 24, 25. In the Mtu. he is called Sarvárthasiddha.

3. Siddhattha.-An eminent monk in the time of Dutthagámaní. Foreseeing dangers lying ahead, he prevented the king from marking out a very large site for the Mahá Thúpa (Mhv.xxix.52). He was evidently at the head of the monks present at the Foundation Ceremony of the Mahá Thúpa. See MT. 522, 524.

4. Siddhattha.-A son of King Kassapa IV. He was appointed governor of the Malaya district and came to be called Malayarájá. He died young, however, and Kassapa built a hall for the monks in his name and instituted an offering of alms. Cv.lii.68f.

5. Siddhattha.-A monk of the Uposatháráma, to whom King Kittisirirájasíha gave over the Rajata vihára. The monk had it repaired and had many additions made to it. Cv.c.238ff.

6. Siddhattha.-One of the palaces which will be occupied by Metteyya Buddha in his last lay life. Anágat., p. 46.

7. Siddhattha. A monk of Ceylon of the thirteenth century; he was a pupil of Buddhappiya and wrote the Sáratthasangaha. P.L.C. 228f.

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