1. Sívalí. Daughter of Polajanaka. See the Mahájanaka Játaka. She is identified with Ráhulamátá. J.vi.68.

2. Sívalí Thera. He was the son of Suppavásá, daughter of the king of Koliya. For seven years and seven days he lay in her womb, and for seven days she was in labour and was unable to bring forth the child. She said to her husband: "Before I die I will make a gift," and sent gift by him to the Buddha. He accepted the gift and pronounced blessing on her. She was immediately delivered of a son. When her husband returned, she asked him to show hospitality to the Buddha and his monks for seven days.

From the time of his birth, Sívalí could do anything. Sáriputta talked with him on the day of his birth and ordained him with Suppavásá's permission. Sívalí became a sotápanna in the Tonsure hall when his first lock of hair was cut, and a sakadágámí with the second. Some say that after his ordination he left home on the same day and lived in a secluded hut, meditating on the delays in his birth, and thus, winning insight, attained arahantship.

In Padumuttara Buddha's time he made the resolve to be pre eminent among recipients of gifts, like Sudassana, disciple of Padumuttara. To this end he gave alms for seven days to the Buddha and his monks.

In the time of Vipassí Buddha he was a householder near Bandhumatí. The people gave alms to the Buddha and the Order in competition with the king, and when they were in need of honey, curds and sugar, Sívalí gave enough of these for sixty eight thousand monks.

In the time of Atthadassí Buddha he was a king, named Varuna, and when the Buddha died, he made great offerings to the Bodhi tree, dying under it later. Then he was born in the Nimmánaratí world.

Thirty four times he was king of men, under the name of Subáhu (Thag.vs.60; ThagA.i.135). According to the Apadána account (Ap.ii.492f) his father in his last birth was the Licchavi Maháli.

The Asátarúpa Játaka gives the reason for the delay in Sívalí's birth. Cf.Ap.ii.494, vs.29f. The story of Sívalí is given also at Ud.ii.8; AA.i.130f.; DhA.iv.192f.; ii.196; J.i.408f. The Ud. follows the DhA. (iv.192f.) very closely. Both Ud. and J. say that a lay supporter of Moggallána postponed his entertainment of the Buddha (who requested him to do so) to enable the Buddha to accept Suppavásá's invitation after the birth of the child. Other accounts omit this. Ud. says nothing about Sívalí's retirement from the world. The DhA. account of this differs from the others.

Sívalí was declared by the Buddha (A.i.24) pre-eminent among recipients of gifts. It is said (ThagA.i.138; Ap.ii.495; AA.i.139) that when the Buddha visited Khadiravaniya-Revata, he took Sívalí with him because the road was difficult and provisions scarce. Sívalí went to the Himálaya with five hundred others, to test his good luck. The gods provided them with everything. On Gandhamádana a deva, named Nágadatta, entertained them for seven days on milk rice.

3. Sívalí. Daughter of Amandagámani and sister of Culábhaya. She reigned in Ceylon for four months (in 93 A.C.); she was then dethroned by Ilanága. Her surname was Revatí. Mhv.xxxv.14; Dpv.xxi.40f.

4. Sívalí Thera. An eminent monk present at the Foundation Ceremony of the Mahá Thúpa. Dpv.xix.8.

5. Sívalí. See Síhasívalí.

6. Sívalí. One of the founders of the Síhalasangha in Burma (Sás.,p.65). He later founded a sect of his own (Sás.,p.67).

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