1. Síla Sutta. The Buddha exhorts the monks to live perfect in virtue; then will they be ardent, scrupulous and resolute. A.ii.14.

2. Síla Sutta. On four persons, as regards their completeness in virtue, concentration and wisdom. A.ii.136.

3. Síla Sutta. On four persons, as regards their respect for virtue, concentration and wisdom. A.ii.136.

4. Síla Sutta. A monk who is virtuous, learned, has a pleasant and smooth speech, is able to develop the four jhánas at will, and has attained the destruction of the ásavas - such a one has achieved his goal. A.iii.113.

5. Síla Sutta. A monk who has achieved virtue, concentration, insight, emancipation and the vision of emancipation such a one is worthy of offerings and homage. A.iii.134.

6. Síla Sutta. A man, wanting in morals, loses wealth through neglect; evil rumour spreads about him; he has no confidence in gatherings; he is muddled in thought; and goes, after death, to a place of ill. A.iii.252.

7. Síla Sutta. Sáriputta tells Mahá Kotthita, in answer to a question, that the virtuous monk should methodically ponder on the five upádána-kkhandhá. S.iii.167.

8. Síla Sutta. Even as the dawn is the forerunner of the sun, so is virtue the forerunner of the Noble Eightfold Path. S.v.30.

9. Síla Sutta. The benefits which come through monks being possessed of virtue, concentration, insight, release - release by knowledge and insight. S.v.67f.

10. Síla Sutta. Ananda tells Bhadda, in the Kukkutáráma in Pátaliputta, that the virtuous habits, spoken of by the Buddha, are those which come by cultivation of the four satipatthánas. S.v.171.

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