King of Ceylon, He was the son of the senápati of Moggallána III. and held the office of sword bearer. He rebelled against the king and killed him at Síhagiri. Then he killed Dalla-Moggallána and became king of Anurádhapura, reigning for nine years (617-626 A.C.).

Urged by a monk, named Bodhi, he proclaimed a regulation act against the undisciplined monks of Abhayagiri; but these monks murdered Bodhi and were severely punished by the king. Later he quarrelled with the Theraváda monks and retired to Dakkhinadesa, where he died (Cv.xliv. 43, 53ff). Aggibodhi III. and Kassapa II. were his sons. He was also evidently known as Siládátha. See Cv.xlv.51; also Cv.Trs.94, n.1.

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