King of Ceylon (362-409 A.D.). He was the son of Mahásena. He restored the monastic buildings destroyed by Mahásena and hold a festival in the Ambatthala cetiya in honour of Mahinda, of whom he made a life size image of gold. He erected the Sotthiyákara-vihára and built a stone terrace round the Tissavasabha bodhi. The Buddha's Tooth Relic was brought to Ceylon in the ninth year of the king's reign, and the king placed it in the Dhammacakka-pásáda. He held a great festival in honour of the Relic, and decreed that similar festivals should be held yearly in the Abhayuttara vihára. He is said to have built eighteen viháras. He was succeeded by Jetthatissa. Cv.xxxvii.53ff.

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