1. Sirinága I. King of Ceylon (249-68 A.C.). He was the brother of Kuñcanága's queen and was his commander in chief. He rebelled against the king and defeated him; he then reigned in Anurádhapura. He erected a parasol over the Mahá Thúpa, rebuilt the Lohapásáda, and restored the steps leading to the Bodhi tree. His son was Vohárika Tissa. Mhv.xxxvi.21ff.; Dpv.xxii.34f.

2. Sirinága II. King of Ceylon (300-302 A.C.). He was the son of Tissa (Voháriksa- Tissa) and brother of Abhayanága. He restored the wall round the Bodhi tree and built the Hamsavatta of the Bodhi tree temple. His son was Vijayakumára. Mhv.xxxvi.54f.; Dpv.xxii.46f.

3. Sirinága.-A brahmin. Wishing to become king of Ceylon, he sought to obtain the treasures from the cetiya in Dakkhinamahávihára. But Bahula, who knew the secret passage, refused to help him and was put to death. Sirinága pillaged the Madhupitthiya Cetiya, and, with its wealth, became king of Anurádhapura. Later he fell ill of gastric disease and was reborn in hell. Ras.ii.7f.

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