The country of the Sivi people, referred to several times in the Játakas. In the Sivi, Ummadantí and Maháummagga Játakas (J.iv.401; v.210; vi.419), Aritthapura is given as the capital, while in the Vessantara Játaka (, Jetuttara is the capital.

In the last named Játaka (E.g., p.511), Vessantara is sometimes spoken of as king of Sivirattha and his children as Siviputtá (p.563). The family name of the kings of this country seems to have been Sivi (See, where Sivi is explained by poránakarájá).

The country was evidently famous for its cloth, which was called Siveyyaka (Vin.i.278). Pajjota gave a pair of robes of this material to Jívaka, as a present for his cure. These robes Jívaka gave to the Buddha (Vin.i.280).

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