1. Sonuttara Thera. An arahant. He lived in the Pújá-parivena in the Mahávihára and was entrusted by Dutthagámaní with the task of finding relics for the Mahá Thúpa. In the time of the Buddha he had been the brahmin Nanduttara, and had entertained the Buddha on the occasion on which, at Payágatittha, Bhaddaji Thera had raised, from the bed of the Ganges, the palace he had occupied as Mahápanáda. Filled with marvel, Nanduttara wished that he might have the power of procuring relics possessed by others. Sonuttara visited the Mańjerika-nága-bhavana and asked the Nága king, Mahákála, to give him the relics which he had there and which had once been enshrined in Rámagáma. But Mahákála, unwilling to part with them, told his nephew, Vásuladatta, to hide them. Sonuttara knew this, and when Mahákála told him he might take the relics if he could find them, Sonuttara, by his magic power, took the relic casket from Vásuladatta, unknown to him, and brought it to Anurádhapura, where the relics were deposited in the Mahá Thúpa. Mhv.xxxi.4-74.

2. Sonuttara. A brahmin of Kajangala, father of Nágasena Thera. Mil.8.

3. Sonuttara. The name given to the princes of Suvannabhúmi (q.v.) after the visit of Sona and Uttara to that country. Mhv.xii.54.

4. Sonuttara. The horse on which Tissa Buddha left the household life. BuA.189.

5. Sonuttara. Devadatta born as a hunter. See the Chaddanta Játaka.

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