1. Subhaddá. Aggasáviká of Revata Buddha. J.i.35; Bu.vi.22.

2. Subhaddá. One of the chief women lay supporters of Sujáta Buddha. Bu.xiii.30.

3. Subhaddá. Wife of Tissa Buddha before his renunciation. Bu.xviii.18.

4. Subhaddá. See Mahá-Subhaddá and Cúla-Subhaddá.

5. Subhaddá. Daughter of the Madda king and wife of the king of Benares. See the Chaddanta Játaka.

6. Subhaddá. Wife of Mahásudassana. See Mahásubhaddá.

7. Subhaddá. A celestial musician or a musical instrument. VvA.94, 211.

8. Subhaddá. One of the five daughters of Vijayabáhu I. and Tilokasundarí. She married Vírabáhu. Cv.lix.31, 43.

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