An isolated rock in Ceylon. It was evidently named after the senápati Subha, who built a fortress there in the time of Mágha (Cv.lxxxi.3).

Later, it was occupied by Bhuvanekabáhu (brother of Vijayabáhu IV.), and formed the centre of the campaign in the battle of Vijayabáhu IV. against Candabhánu.

Later, Bhuvanekabáhu continued to live there (Cv.lxxxviii.26, 61, 64 f., 79). After Vijayabáhu IV. was killed by his senápati Mitta, Bhuvanekabáhu, who had succeeded to the throne at Jambuddoni, had once more to seek refuge in Subhagiri, and for some time it was the seat of government. A town seems to have grown up there in the same way as at Síhagiri (Cv.xc.11, 28, 30, 35).

Bhuvanekabáhu himself ruled there for eleven years (Cv.xc.42). After his death, Ariyacakkavatti laid waste the town (Cv.xc.45), and the capital was later moved to Hatthigiri(sela)pura (Cv.xc.59).

Subhagiri is identified with the modern Yápahu, near Maho. Cv.Trs.ii.135, n.3.

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