1. Sucintita. A Pacceka Buddha to whom, when very ill, Ajina (Ghatamandadáyaka) Thera, in a former birth, gave ghee. ThagA.i.250; Ap.ii.436.

2. Sucintita Thera. An arahant. Ninety two kappas ago he gave a seat to Tissa Buddha. Thirty eight kappas ago he was king three times, under the names of Ruci, Uparuci and Maháruci respectively. Ap.i.133f.

3. Sucintita Thera. An arahant. He was a farmer of Hamsavatí in the time of Padumuttara Buddha and gave the first fruits of his fields to the Buddha and his monks. Ap.ii.385f.

4. Sucintita Thera. An arahant. In the time of Atthadassí Buddha he was a hunter, and, seeing the Buddha, offered him a meal of flesh. Thirty eight kappas ago he was king eight times, under the name of Digháyuka, and one hundred and sixty kappas ago he was king twice, under the name of Varuna. Ap.i.115.

5. Suncitita. A king of eight kappas ago, a previous birth of Veyyávaccaka (or Sańjaya) Thera. Ap.i.138; ThagA.i.120.

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