1. Sutavá. A king of thirty three kappas ago, a previous birth of Dhammasaññaka Thera. Ap.i.249.

2. Sutavá. A Pacceka Buddha mentioned in a nominal list. M.iii.69; ApA.i.106.

3. Sutavá. A Paribbájaka who visited the Buddha on Gijjhakúta and questioned him regarding the description of an arahant. A.iv.369f.

1. Sutavá Sutta. Describes the visit of the Paribbájaka Sutavá to the Buddha. A.iv.369f.

2. Sutavá Sutta. A learned monk should ponder carefully on the five groups of grasping (upádánakkhandhá). S.iii.169.

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