A monastery in Rohana, founded by Kákavanna-Tissa (Mhv.xxii.23). It was also called Tissáráma (Mhv.xxii.28). It was one of the chief monastic establishments in Ceylon and was a place of pilgrimage. Some of the Sinhalese chronicles mention that Kákavanna-Tissa built another vihára of the same name on the east coast of Ceylon, at the place now known as Seruvila, where the Buddha's frontal bone is deposited. The Mahámeghavanáráma is also sometimes called the Tissamaháráma (E.g., Mhv.xx.25), and Tissáráma (Mhv.xv.174, 179, 203). Dappula gave to the Tissamahá-vihára the village of Kattikapabbata (Cv.xiv.59).


Buddhaghosa says (DA.ii.581) that in his time all monks living in Ceylon, south of the Maháválukanadí, assembled there twice a year, on the first and last day of the vassa.

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