1. Upáli Sutta.-Records the events that lead to the conversation of Upáli-Gahapati. The Buddha is asked, first by Dígha-Tapassí and then by Upáli, as to which of the three kinds of deeds - of body, speech and mind - are the most criminal. Those of mind, says the Buddha; those of body, say the followers of Nátaputta. By various illustrations the Buddha convinces Upáli that his contentions are wrong. The sutta concludes with a series of verses (the Upáli Gáthá) in which Upáli sings the Buddha's praises. M.i.371ff.

2. Upáli Sutta.-Upáli Thera visits the Buddha and asks him for what purpose the various precepts have been laid down for disciples and why the pátimokkha has been recited? For ten purposes, says the Buddha, and proceeds to enumerate them. Similarly, ten reasons are given which justify the suspension of the pátimokkha. A.v.70f.

3. Upáli Sutta.-Upáli (1) visits the Buddha and expresses a desire to retire to the solitude of the forest. Such a step is not desirable for those who have not attained to tranquillity of mind, says the Buddha, and explains his meaning by various similes. A full-grown elephant could disport himself in a deep lake according to his fancy, not so a hare or a cat. The sutta goes on to describe how, as a result of the arising of a Tathágata in the world, a householder would listen to the Dhamma, renounce the world, give up all evil practices and gradually attain to full development of the four jhánas. Upáli is advised to live among the monks and not go into the forest. A.v.201ff.

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