A nunnery in Anurádhapura, built by Devánampiyatissa, for the accommodation of Anulá and her followers, pending the arrival of Sanghamittá (Mhv.xviii.12). Later, Sanghamittá took up her residence there and it was enlarged by the addition of twelve buildings, three of which gained peculiar sanctity because in these were set up the mast, the rudder and the helm of the ship that had brought the Bodhi-tree to Ceylon, and these buildings were called, respectively, the Kupayatthithapita-ghara, the Piyathapita-ghara and the Arittathapita-ghara. Even when other sects arose, these twelve buildings were occupied by the Hatthálhaka (or orthodox) nuns. Mhv.xix.68ff; the Tiká (p.408) says the houses were originally called Cúlaganá-gára, Maháganágára and Sirivaddhágára.

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