Another name for the Abhayagiri-Vihára (q.v.). The inhabitants of the Uttaravihára seem to have kept a chronicle, in the same way as did the dwellers of the Mahá-Vihára. This is often referred to in the Mahávamsa Tíká, as the Uttara-Vihára-atthakathá and the Uttara-Vihára-Mahávamsa. Judging from the quotations from this work given in the Mahávamsa Tíká, the Uttara-Vihára chronicle seems to have differed from the tradition of the Mahá-Vihára more in detail than in general construction. It is not possible to say whether it contained exegetical matter on the Páli Canon besides matters of historical interest. For a detailed account of the work see Geiger: The Dípavamsa and the Mahávamsa, pp.50ff; also my edition of the Mahávamsa Tíká.

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