The eldest of the Andhakavenhudásaputtá.

The Ghata Játaka (No. 454) relates how, when Vásudeva's son died and Vásudeva gave himself up to despair, his brother Ghatapandita brought him to his senses by feigning madness.

Vásudeva's minister was Rohineyya. Vásudeva is addressed (J.iv.84; he is called Kanha at as Kanha and again as Kesava. The scholiast explains (J.iv.84) that he is called Kanha because he belonged to the Kanháyanagotta, and Kesava because he had beautiful hair (kesasobhanatáya). These names, however, give support to the theory (see Andhakavenhudásaputtá, No.1) that the story of Vásudeva was associated with the legend of Krsna.

In the Maháummagga Játaka ( it is stated that Jambávatí, mother of King Sivi, was the consort of Vásudeva Kanha. The scholiast identifies this Vásudeva with the eldest of the Andhakavenhudásaputtá, and says that Jambávatí was a candalí. Vásudeva fell in love with her because of her great beauty and married her in spite of her caste. Their son was Sivi, who later succeeded to his father's throne at Dváravatí.

Vásudeva is identified with Sáriputta. J.iv.89.

Vásudevavattiká. Probably followers of Vásudeva (? Krsna); they are mentioned with Baladevavattiká and others in a list of samanabráhmanávattasuddhiká. Nid.i.89; cf. Vásudeváytana at DhSA., p.141.

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