Wife of Udena, king of Kosambí. She was the daughter of Candappajjota.

When Pajjota heard that Udena's splendour surpassed his own, he resolved to capture him. He was told that Udena could charm elephants with his magic lute, and had a wooden elephant made in which he placed sixty men. A woodsman was sent to inform Udena of the new elephant which had appeared in the forest, and he set out to capture it. The men inside the elephant caused it to run, and, in the course of the chase, Udena was separated from his retinue and taken captive.

For three days Pajjota feasted in celebration of his victory, and Udena asked him either to release him or order his death. Pajjota promised release if Udena would teach him the elephant charm; but Udena would teach only to one who paid him homage as a teacher, and this Pajjota would not do. Then Pajjota contrived that Udena should teach it to Vásuladattá. A curtain was hung between them, Udena was told that his pupil was a hunch backed woman of the court, while Udena was described to the princess as a leper who knew a priceless charm.

For many days Udena tried to teach the charm, but the princess could not learn it. In impatience, Udena said: "Dunce of a hunchback, thy lips are too thick and thy cheeks too fat; I've a mind to beat thy face in." And the princess replied: "Villain of a leper, what meanest thou by calling me hunchback?" Udena lifted the fringe of the curtain and they saw each other. From that moment they planned to escape and marry. There was no more learning of charms nor giving of lessons. When their plans were complete, Vásuladattá told her father that she needed a conveyance and the use of a gate in the city wall. To work the charm, she explained, a certain herb was necessary, which must be obtained at night, at a time indicated by the stars. Thus she secured the use of Pajjota's female elephant, Bhaddavatí, and permission to use a certain door at any time.

And one day, when Pajjota was out on pleasure, the two filled several bags with gold and silver coins and they started off on Bhaddavatí. The harem guards gave the alarm and the king sent men in pursuit. Udena opened first a sack of gold and then one of silver, scattering the coins, which delayed his pursuers, greedy for the coins. He, meanwhile, hurried on and reached the stockade where his soldiers awaited him. They conducted him and Vásuladattá, to Kosambí, where she was made Udena's chief consort. DhA.i.191-6,198f.

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