A mountain in Himavá to which Vessantara was banished with his family.

It was thirty leagues from the Ceta country and sixty leagues from Jetuttara, the way passing through Suvannagiritála, over the river Kontimára, through Arañjaragiri, Dunnivittha, northwards beyond Gandhamádana, over Mt. Vipula, across the Ketumatí River, through Mount Nálika and the Mucalinda Lake (Cyp.i.9; J.vi.514, 518, 519).

Vessantara and his family lived there in a hermitage built by Vissakimma at Sakka's suggestion (J.vi.520). Sañjaya later built a road, eight usabhas wide, from Jetuttara to Vanka. J.vi.580.

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