1. Vappa Thera. One of the Pańcavaggiyá. He was the son of Vásettha, a brahmin of Kapilavatthu. When Asita declared that Prince Siddhattha would become the Buddha, Vappa and four other brahmins, headed by Kondańńa, became recluses. Vappa was with the Buddha during the six years of his ascetic practices, but being disappointed when the Buddha began taking solid food, he left him and went to Isipatana, where the Buddha, after his Enlightenment, preached to him and the others the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta. On the fifth day after, Vappa and his companions became arahants, at the end of the Anattalakkhana Sutta. Vappa became a sotápanna on the second day of the quarter (AA.i.84); pátipadadivase, says ThagA. (loc. infra) and MA.i.390.

Vappa's resolve to be among the first of the Buddha's followers was taken in the time of Padumuttara Buddha. In the past, he was sixteen times king, under the name of Mahádundubhi.

ThagA.i.140f.; a verse attributed to him is found in Thag.61); see also J.i.82; Dpv.i.32; Vin.i.12.

2. Vappa. A Sákiyan, disciple of the Niganthas.* He visits Moggallána and they talk of the ásavas. The Buddha joins them and tells Vappa how the ásavas can be completely destroyed so that the monk who has so destroyed them will abide in the six satata viháras with equanimity, mindful and comprehending. Vappa is convinced of the superiority of the Buddha's teaching and becomes his follower. A.ii.196f.

* AA.ii.559 says he was the Buddha's uncle (cúlapitá) and a Sákiyan rájá. He was a disciple of Nigantha Nátaputta.

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