King of Ceylon (29 17 B.C.). He was the son of Saddhátissa, and came to the throne by killing the usurper Mahárattaka (v.l. Kammahárattaka).

He married Anulá, wife of Khallátanága, and adopted Mahácúlika as his own son; because of this Vattagámaní came to be known as Pitirájá (this name occurs several times in the Commentaries -  e.g., VibhA. passim, see Pitirájá).

Vattagámaní had a second wife, Somadeví, and also a son of his own, called Coranága. In the fifth month of his reign a brahmin, named Tissa, rose against him, but was defeated by seven Damilas who landed at Mahátittha. . After that, the Damilas waged war against the king and defeated him at Kolambálaka. It was a remark made by the Nigantha Giri to Vattagámainí, as he fled from the battle, that led later to the establishment of Abhayagiri (q.v.). The king hid in the forest in Vessagiri and was rescued by Kupikkala Mahátissa, who gave him over to the care of Tanasíva. In his flight he left Somadeví behind, and she was captured by the Damilas.

For fourteen years Vattagámaní and his queen Anulá lived under the protection of Tanasíva, and, during this time, five Damilas ruled in succession at Anurádhapura; they were Pulahattha, Báhiya, Panayamára, Pilayamára and Dáthika.

After a time, Anulá quarrelled with Tanasíva's wife, and the king, in his resentment, killed Tanasíva. Later, when he also killed Kapisísa, his ministers left him in disgust, but were persuaded by Mahátissa to return. When his preparations were complete, the king attacked Dáthika, slew him, and took the throne. He then founded Abhayagiri-vihára and recovered Somadeví. He also built the Silásobbhakandaka-cetiya. He had seven ministers who themselves built several viháras; among them Uttiya, Múla, Sáliya, Pabbata and Tissa are mentioned by name.

It was in the reign of Vattagámaní that the Buddhist Canon and its Commentaries were first reduced to writing in Ceylon, according to tradition, in Aloka vihára. For details of Vattagámaní's reign see Dpv.xx.14ff.; Mhv.xxxiii.34ff. The foundation of Abhayagiri vihára formed the beginning of dissensions in the ranks of the monks (Cv.lxxiii.18). Vattagámani was, however, regarded by later generations as a great protector of the faith (Cv.lxxxii.23). Various monasteries, chiefly rock temples, are traditionally ascribed to Vattagámaní, and said to have been built by him during his exile; among these is the modern Dambulla vihára. The Cúlavamsa calls him the founder of the Majjhavela vihára. Cv.c.229.

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