1. Vebhára. One of the five hills surrounding Rájagaha (E.g., M.iii.68). At its foot was the Sattapanniguhá, where the first Convocation was held (Vin.ii.76; W. 159; Sp.i.10, etc.). The river Tapodá (q.v.) rose in a lake at the foot of Vebhára. SA.i.30f.
2. Vebhára. A city in which Padumuttara Buddha preached and ordained ninety crores of men. Bu.xi.9.
3. Vebhára. The birthplace of Siddhattha Buddha, where, later, he preached the Buddhavamsa, when ninety crores of beings realized the Truth. Bu.xvii.5, 13; BuA. p. 186; J.i.40.
4. Vebhára. A city built by Vissakamma, where Valliya Thera (Candanamáliya) lived in a previous birth. ThagA.i.294; Ap.ii.424.
5. Vebhára. v.l. for Dvebhára (q.v.).